
news/2024/7/10 20:31:01 标签: 开源, Ardupilot


  • 1. 源由
  • 2. 框架代码
    • 2.1 启动代码
    • 2.2 任务代码
  • 3. 重要例程
    • 3.1 AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav
    • 3.2 update_thread
    • 3.3 update
  • 4. 串行协议
    • 4.1 check_uart
    • 4.2 process_packet1
    • 4.3 process_packet2
    • 4.4 process_packet_VN_100
  • 5. 参考资料

1. 源由


2. 框架代码

2.1 启动代码

 └──> Copter::startup_INS_ground
     └──> AP_AHRS::init
         └──> AP_ExternalAHRS::init
             └──> new AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav
                 └──> AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::update_thread  //thread_create

2.2 任务代码

 └──> Copter::read_AHRS
     └──> AP_AHRS::update
         └──> AP_ExternalAHRS::update
             └──> AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::update

3. 重要例程

3.1 AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav


 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * Find Serial Port                                                             *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 ├──> auto &sm = AP::serialmanager()
 ├──> uart = sm.find_serial(AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_AHRS, 0)
 ├──> <!uart>
 │   └──> return
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * Application Configurations Initialization                                    *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 ├──> baudrate = sm.find_baudrate(AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_AHRS, 0)
 ├──> port_num = sm.find_portnum(AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_AHRS, 0)
 ├──> pktbuf = new uint8_t[bufsize]
 ├──> last_pkt1 = new VN_packet1
 ├──> last_pkt2 = new VN_packet2
 ├──> <!pktbuf || !last_pkt1 || !last_pkt2>
 │   └──> AP_BoardConfig::allocation_error("ExternalAHRS")
 ├──> <!hal.scheduler->thread_create(FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::update_thread, void), "AHRS", 2048, AP_HAL::Scheduler::PRIORITY_SPI, 0)>
 │   └──> AP_HAL::panic("Failed to start ExternalAHRS update thread")
 └──> GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "ExternalAHRS initialised")

3.2 update_thread


 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * Serial Port Initialization                                                   *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 │  // Open port in the thread
 ├──> uart->begin(baudrate, 1024, 512)
 │  // Stop NMEA Async Outputs (this UART only)
 ├──> nmea_printf(uart, "$VNWRG,6,0")
 │  // Detect version, Read Model Number Register, ID 1
 ├──> wait_register_responce(1)
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * AHRS Model Classification                                                    *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 │  // Setup for messages respective model types (on both UARTs)
 ├──> <strncmp(model_name, "VN-100", 6) == 0>
 │   │  // VN-100
 │   ├──> type = TYPE::VN_100
 │   │
 │   │  // This assumes unit is still configured at its default rate of 800hz
 │   └──> nmea_printf(uart, "$VNWRG,75,3,%u,14,073E,0004", unsigned(800/get_rate()))
 ├──> < else >
 │   │  // Default to Setup for VN-300 series
 │   │  // This assumes unit is still configured at its default rate of 400hz
 │   ├──> nmea_printf(uart, "$VNWRG,75,3,%u,34,072E,0106,0612", unsigned(400/get_rate()))
 │   └──> nmea_printf(uart, "$VNWRG,76,3,80,4E,0002,0010,20B8,0018")
 ├──> setup_complete = true
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * UART Receive Procedure                                                       *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 └──> <while (true)>
     └──> <!check_uart()>
         └──> hal.scheduler->delay(1)

3.3 update


 └──> check_uart

4. 串行协议

4.1 check_uart


static const uint8_t vn_pkt1_header[] { 0x34, 0x2E, 0x07, 0x06, 0x01, 0x12, 0x06 }
static const uint8_t vn_pkt2_header[] { 0x4e, 0x02, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0xb8, 0x20, 0x18, 0x00 }
static const uint8_t vn_100_pkt1_header[] { 0x14, 0x3E, 0x07, 0x04, 0x00 }
  check the UART for more data
  returns true if the function should be called again straight away
#define SYNC_BYTE 0xFA
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * Initilization Complete Check                                                 *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 ├──> <!setup_complete>
 │   └──> return false
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * Serial Data Avaliable Check                                                  *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 ├──> WITH_SEMAPHORE(state.sem)
 ├──> uint32_t n = uart->available()
 ├──> <n == 0>
 │   └──> return false
 ├──> <pktoffset < bufsize>
 │   ├──> ssize_t nread = uart->read(&pktbuf[pktoffset], MIN(n, unsigned(bufsize-pktoffset)))
 │   ├──> <nread <= 0>
 │   │   └──> return false
 │   └──> pktoffset += nread
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * Prepare For Data Parsing                                                     *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 ├──> bool match_header1 = false
 ├──> bool match_header2 = false
 ├──> bool match_header3 = false
 │   // Sync flag check
 ├──> <pktbuf[0] != SYNC_BYTE>
 │   └──> goto reset
 │   // Header type check
 ├──> <type == TYPE::VN_300>
 │   ├──> match_header1 = (0 == memcmp(&pktbuf[1], vn_pkt1_header, MIN(sizeof(vn_pkt1_header), unsigned(pktoffset-1))))
 │   └──> match_header2 = (0 == memcmp(&pktbuf[1], vn_pkt2_header, MIN(sizeof(vn_pkt2_header), unsigned(pktoffset-1))))
 ├──> < else >
 │   └──> match_header3 = (0 == memcmp(&pktbuf[1], vn_100_pkt1_header, MIN(sizeof(vn_100_pkt1_header), unsigned(pktoffset-1))))

 ├──> <!match_header1 && !match_header2 && !match_header3>
 │   └──> goto reset
 │   // VN_PKT1
 ├──> <case: match_header1 && pktoffset >= VN_PKT1_LENGTH>
 │   ├──> uint16_t crc = crc16_ccitt(&pktbuf[1], VN_PKT1_LENGTH-1, 0)
 │   ├──> <crc == 0> // got pkt1
 │   │   ├──> process_packet1(&pktbuf[sizeof(vn_pkt1_header)+1])
 │   │   ├──> memmove(&pktbuf[0], &pktbuf[VN_PKT1_LENGTH], pktoffset-VN_PKT1_LENGTH)
 │   │   └──> pktoffset -= VN_PKT1_LENGTH
 │   └──> < else >
 │       └──> goto reset
 │   // VN_PKT2
 ├──> <case: match_header2 && pktoffset >= VN_PKT2_LENGTH>
 │   ├──> uint16_t crc = crc16_ccitt(&pktbuf[1], VN_PKT2_LENGTH-1, 0)
 │   ├──> <crc == 0> // got pkt2
 │   │   ├──> process_packet2(&pktbuf[sizeof(vn_pkt2_header)+1])
 │   │   ├──> memmove(&pktbuf[0], &pktbuf[VN_PKT2_LENGTH], pktoffset-VN_PKT2_LENGTH)
 │   │   └──> pktoffset -= VN_PKT2_LENGTH
 │   └──> < else >
 │       └──> goto reset
 │   // VN_100_PKT1
 ├──> <case: match_header3 && pktoffset >= VN_100_PKT1_LENGTH>
 │   ├──> uint16_t crc = crc16_ccitt(&pktbuf[1], VN_100_PKT1_LENGTH-1, 0)
 │   ├──> <crc == 0> // got VN-100 pkt1
 │   │   ├──> process_packet_VN_100(&pktbuf[sizeof(vn_100_pkt1_header)+1])
 │   │   ├──> memmove(&pktbuf[0], &pktbuf[VN_100_PKT1_LENGTH], pktoffset-VN_100_PKT1_LENGTH)
 │   │   └──> pktoffset -= VN_100_PKT1_LENGTH
 │   └──> < else >
 │       └──> goto reset
 └──> return true

     * Reset Procedure for goto instruction                                         *
 ├──> uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)memchr(&pktbuf[1], SYNC_BYTE, pktoffset-1)
 ├──> <p>
 │   ├──> uint8_t newlen = pktoffset - (p - pktbuf)
 │   ├──> memmove(&pktbuf[0], p, newlen)
 │   └──> pktoffset = newlen
 ├──> < else >
 │   └──> pktoffset = 0
 └──> return true

4.2 process_packet1

  process packet type 1
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * Prepare Parsing                                                              *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 ├──> const struct VN_packet1 &pkt1 = *(struct VN_packet1 *)b
 ├──> const struct VN_packet2 &pkt2 = *last_pkt2
 ├──> last_pkt1_ms = AP_HAL::millis()
 ├──> *last_pkt1 = pkt1
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * GYRO & ACC & Velocity & Location update                                      *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 ├──> const bool use_uncomp = option_is_set(AP_ExternalAHRS::OPTIONS::VN_UNCOMP_IMU)
 ├──> WITH_SEMAPHORE(state.sem)
 ├──> <use_uncomp>
 │   ├──> state.accel = Vector3f{pkt1.uncompAccel[0], pkt1.uncompAccel[1], pkt1.uncompAccel[2]}
 │   └──> state.gyro = Vector3f{pkt1.uncompAngRate[0], pkt1.uncompAngRate[1], pkt1.uncompAngRate[2]}
 ├──> < else >
 │   ├──> state.accel = Vector3f{pkt1.accel[0], pkt1.accel[1], pkt1.accel[2]}
 │   └──> state.gyro = Vector3f{pkt1.gyro[0], pkt1.gyro[1], pkt1.gyro[2]}
 ├──> state.quat = Quaternion{pkt1.quaternion[3], pkt1.quaternion[0], pkt1.quaternion[1], pkt1.quaternion[2]}
 ├──> state.have_quaternion = true
 ├──> state.velocity = Vector3f{pkt1.velNED[0], pkt1.velNED[1], pkt1.velNED[2]}
 ├──> state.have_velocity = true
 ├──> state.location = Location{int32_t(pkt1.positionLLA[0] * 1.0e7),
 │                              int32_t(pkt1.positionLLA[1] * 1.0e7),
 │                              int32_t(pkt1.positionLLA[2] * 1.0e2),
 │                              Location::AltFrame::ABSOLUTE}
 ├──> state.have_location = true
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * External Baro                                                                *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 │   ├──> AP_ExternalAHRS::baro_data_message_t baro
 │   ├──> baro.instance = 0
 │   ├──> baro.pressure_pa = pkt1.pressure*1e3
 │   ├──> baro.temperature = pkt2.temp
 │   └──> AP::baro().handle_external(baro)
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * External Compass                                                             *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 │   ├──> AP_ExternalAHRS::mag_data_message_t mag
 │   ├──> mag.field = Vector3f{pkt1.mag[0], pkt1.mag[1], pkt1.mag[2]}
 │   ├──> mag.field *= 1000 // to mGauss
 │   └──> AP::compass().handle_external(mag)
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * AHRS update                                                                  *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 ├──> AP_ExternalAHRS::ins_data_message_t ins
 ├──> ins.accel = state.accel
 ├──> ins.gyro = state.gyro
 ├──> ins.temperature = pkt2.temp
 ├──> AP::ins().handle_external(ins)
 │   // @LoggerMessage: EAH1
 │   // @Description: External AHRS data
 │   // @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
 │   // @Field: Roll: euler roll
 │   // @Field: Pitch: euler pitch
 │   // @Field: Yaw: euler yaw
 │   // @Field: VN: velocity north
 │   // @Field: VE: velocity east
 │   // @Field: VD: velocity down
 │   // @Field: Lat: latitude
 │   // @Field: Lon: longitude
 │   // @Field: Alt: altitude AMSL
 │   // @Field: UXY: uncertainty in XY position
 │   // @Field: UV: uncertainty in velocity
 │   // @Field: UR: uncertainty in roll
 │   // @Field: UP: uncertainty in pitch
 │   // @Field: UY: uncertainty in yaw
 └──> AP::logger().WriteStreaming("EAH1", "TimeUS,Roll,Pitch,Yaw,VN,VE,VD,Lat,Lon,Alt,UXY,UV,UR,UP,UY",
                       "sdddnnnDUmmnddd", "F000000GG000000",
                       pkt1.ypr[2], pkt1.ypr[1], pkt1.ypr[0],
                       pkt1.velNED[0], pkt1.velNED[1], pkt1.velNED[2],
                       int32_t(pkt1.positionLLA[0]*1.0e7), int32_t(pkt1.positionLLA[1]*1.0e7),
                       pkt1.posU, pkt1.velU,
                       pkt1.yprU[2], pkt1.yprU[1], pkt1.yprU[0])

4.3 process_packet2

  process packet type 2
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * Prepare Parsing                                                              *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 ├──> const struct VN_packet2 &pkt2 = *(struct VN_packet2 *)b
 ├──> const struct VN_packet1 &pkt1 = *last_pkt1
 ├──> last_pkt2_ms = AP_HAL::millis()
 ├──> *last_pkt2 = pkt2
 ├──> AP_ExternalAHRS::gps_data_message_t gps
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * GPS Data                                                                     *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 │  // get ToW in milliseconds
 ├──> gps.gps_week = pkt2.timeGPS / (AP_MSEC_PER_WEEK * 1000000ULL)
 ├──> gps.ms_tow = (pkt2.timeGPS / 1000000ULL) % (60*60*24*7*1000ULL)
 ├──> gps.fix_type = pkt2.GPS1Fix
 ├──> gps.satellites_in_view = pkt2.numGPS1Sats
 ├──> gps.horizontal_pos_accuracy = pkt1.posU
 ├──> gps.vertical_pos_accuracy = pkt1.posU
 ├──> gps.horizontal_vel_accuracy = pkt1.velU
 ├──> gps.hdop = pkt2.GPS1DOP[4]
 ├──> gps.vdop = pkt2.GPS1DOP[3]
 ├──> gps.latitude = pkt2.GPS1posLLA[0] * 1.0e7
 ├──> gps.longitude = pkt2.GPS1posLLA[1] * 1.0e7
 ├──> gps.msl_altitude = pkt2.GPS1posLLA[2] * 1.0e2
 ├──> gps.ned_vel_north = pkt2.GPS1velNED[0]
 ├──> gps.ned_vel_east = pkt2.GPS1velNED[1]
 ├──> gps.ned_vel_down = pkt2.GPS1velNED[2]
 ├──> <gps.fix_type >= 3 && !state.have_origin>
 │   ├──> WITH_SEMAPHORE(state.sem)
 │   ├──> state.origin = Location{int32_t(pkt2.GPS1posLLA[0] * 1.0e7),
 │   │                          int32_t(pkt2.GPS1posLLA[1] * 1.0e7),
 │   │                          int32_t(pkt2.GPS1posLLA[2] * 1.0e2),
 │   │                          Location::AltFrame::ABSOLUTE}
 │   └──> state.have_origin = true
 └──> <AP::gps().get_first_external_instance(instance)>
     └──> AP::gps().handle_external(gps, instance)

4.4 process_packet_VN_100

  process VN-100 packet type 1
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * Prepare Parsing                                                              *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 ├──> const struct VN_100_packet1 &pkt = *(struct VN_100_packet1 *)b
 ├──> last_pkt1_ms = AP_HAL::millis()
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * GYRO & ACC & Velocity & Location update                                      *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 ├──> const bool use_uncomp = option_is_set(AP_ExternalAHRS::OPTIONS::VN_UNCOMP_IMU)
 ├──> WITH_SEMAPHORE(state.sem)
 ├──> <use_uncomp>
 │   ├──> state.accel = Vector3f{pkt.uncompAccel[0], pkt.uncompAccel[1], pkt.uncompAccel[2]}
 │   └──> state.gyro = Vector3f{pkt.uncompAngRate[0], pkt.uncompAngRate[1], pkt.uncompAngRate[2]}
 ├──> < else >
 │   ├──> state.accel = Vector3f{pkt.accel[0], pkt.accel[1], pkt.accel[2]}
 │   └──> state.gyro = Vector3f{pkt.gyro[0], pkt.gyro[1], pkt.gyro[2]}
 ├──> state.quat = Quaternion{pkt.quaternion[3], pkt.quaternion[0], pkt.quaternion[1], pkt.quaternion[2]}
 ├──> state.have_quaternion = true
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * External Baro                                                                *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 │   ├──> AP_ExternalAHRS::baro_data_message_t baro
 │   ├──> baro.instance = 0
 │   ├──> baro.pressure_pa = pkt.pressure*1e3
 │   ├──> baro.temperature = pkt.temp
 │   └──> AP::baro().handle_external(baro)
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * External Compass                                                             *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 │   ├──> AP_ExternalAHRS::mag_data_message_t mag
 │   ├──> <use_uncomp>
 │   │   └──> mag.field = Vector3f{pkt.uncompMag[0], pkt.uncompMag[1], pkt.uncompMag[2]}
 │   ├──> < else >
 │   │   └──> mag.field = Vector3f{pkt.mag[0], pkt.mag[1], pkt.mag[2]}
 │   ├──> mag.field *= 1000 // to mGauss
 │   └──> AP::compass().handle_external(mag)
 │  /********************************************************************************
 │   * AHRS update                                                                  *
 │   ********************************************************************************/
 │   ├──> AP_ExternalAHRS::ins_data_message_t ins
 │   ├──> ins.accel = state.accel
 │   ├──> ins.gyro = state.gyro
 │   ├──> ins.temperature = pkt.temp
 │   └──> AP::ins().handle_external(ins)
 │  // @LoggerMessage: EAH3
 │  // @Description: External AHRS data
 │  // @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
 │  // @Field: Temp: Temprature
 │  // @Field: Pres: Pressure
 │  // @Field: MX: Magnetic feild X-axis
 │  // @Field: MY: Magnetic feild Y-axis
 │  // @Field: MZ: Magnetic feild Z-axis
 │  // @Field: AX: Acceleration X-axis
 │  // @Field: AY: Acceleration Y-axis
 │  // @Field: AZ: Acceleration Z-axis
 │  // @Field: GX: Rotation rate X-axis
 │  // @Field: GY: Rotation rate Y-axis
 │  // @Field: GZ: Rotation rate Z-axis
 │  // @Field: Q1: Attitude quaternion 1
 │  // @Field: Q2: Attitude quaternion 2
 │  // @Field: Q3: Attitude quaternion 3
 │  // @Field: Q4: Attitude quaternion 4
 └──> AP::logger().WriteStreaming("EAH3", "TimeUS,Temp,Pres,MX,MY,MZ,AX,AY,AZ,GX,GY,GZ,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4",
                       "sdPGGGoooEEE----", "F000000000000000",
                       pkt.temp, pkt.pressure*1e3,
                       use_uncomp ? pkt.uncompMag[0] : pkt.mag[0],
                       use_uncomp ? pkt.uncompMag[1] : pkt.mag[1], 
                       use_uncomp ? pkt.uncompMag[2] : pkt.mag[2],
                       state.accel[0], state.accel[1], state.accel[2],
                       state.gyro[0], state.gyro[1], state.gyro[2],
                       state.quat[0], state.quat[1], state.quat[2], state.quat[3])

5. 参考资料

【5】ArduPilot之开源代码Sensor Drivers设计



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