
news/2024/7/10 19:26:12 标签: c++, 开源, 搜索引擎, xapian

开源搜索引擎框架和产品有很多,例如elasticsearch,sphinx,xapian,lucence,typesense,MeiliSearch 等,分别用不同的语言实现,具有类似但不完全相同的功能。准确来说不属于通用的搜索引擎,而是属于一种基于索引的文字检索系统。

考虑到方便将这种检索系统通过代码开发的形式集成到自己的项目种,而不是单独部署一个完整的系统使用,这里推荐使用C++语言编写的xapian,作为依赖库的形式,调用C++ api在工程中使用。



	- xapian-core-1.4.22
	- src
	  |- main.cpp
	- CMakeLists.txt


  • xapian官网仅提供了unix系统下的编译指南,这里的demo仅支持unix下编译运行
  • 在部分环境中编译还需要额外引入zlib库的头文件和库文件


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)

# this only works for unix, xapian source code not support compile in windows yet






add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SRC})



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "xapian.h"

const std::string index_data_path = "./index_data";
const std::string doc_id1 = "doc1";
const std::string doc_title1 = "How to build self search engine";
const std::string doc_content1 = "What is the search engine?\nMaybe you should ask baidu or google.\nBut I want to develop my own app.\nThen you may need the xapian source code.";
const std::string doc_id2 = "doc2";
const std::string doc_title2 = "Nex generation search platform";
const std::string doc_content2 = "Every one know search is use full\nIt can be done just by a PC or phone.\nPlatform is very important";

const int DOC_ID_FIELD = 101;

void save_data()
	std::cout << "--- save_data" << std::endl;

	Xapian::WritableDatabase db(index_data_path, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN);

	Xapian::TermGenerator indexer;

	Xapian::Document doc1;
	doc1.add_value(DOC_ID_FIELD, doc_id1); // custom property
	doc1.set_data(doc_content1); // payload
	indexer.index_text(doc_title1); // could use space seperated text line like terms or article

	Xapian::Document doc2;
	doc2.add_value(DOC_ID_FIELD, doc_id2); // custom property


void search_data1()
	std::cout << "--- search_data1" << std::endl;

	Xapian::Database db(index_data_path);

	Xapian::Enquire enquire(db);
	Xapian::QueryParser qp;

	// std::string query_str = "search engine";
	// Xapian::Query query = qp.parse_query(query_str);
	Xapian::Query term1("search");
	Xapian::Query term2("engine");
	Xapian::Query query = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, term1, term2);

	std::cout << "query is: " << query.get_description() << std::endl;


	Xapian::MSet matches = enquire.get_mset(0, 10); // find top 10 results
	std::cout << matches.get_matches_estimated() << " results found" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "matches 1-" << matches.size() << std::endl;

	for (Xapian::MSetIterator it = matches.begin(); it != matches.end(); ++it)
		Xapian::Document doc = it.get_document();
		std::string doc_id = doc.get_value(DOC_ID_FIELD);
		// FIXME: not every record will show field value, should do filter later
		std::cout << "rank: " << it.get_rank() + 1 << ", weight: " << it.get_weight() << ", match_ratio: " << it.get_percent() << "%, match_no: " << *it << ", doc_id: " << doc_id << ", doc content: [" << doc.get_data() << "]\n" << std::endl;

void search_data2()
	std::cout << "--- search_data2" << std::endl;

	Xapian::Database db(index_data_path);

	Xapian::Enquire enquire(db);
	Xapian::QueryParser qp;

	Xapian::Query term1("search");
	Xapian::Query term2("platform");
	Xapian::Query query = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_AND, term1, term2);

	std::cout << "query is: " << query.get_description() << std::endl;


	Xapian::MSet matches = enquire.get_mset(0, 10); // find top 10 results, like split page
	std::cout << matches.get_matches_estimated() << " results found" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "matches 1-" << matches.size() << std::endl;

	for (Xapian::MSetIterator it = matches.begin(); it != matches.end(); ++it)
		Xapian::Document doc = it.get_document();
		std::string doc_id = doc.get_value(DOC_ID_FIELD);
		// FIXME: not every record will show field value, should do filter later
		std::cout << "rank: " << it.get_rank() + 1 << ", weight: " << it.get_weight() << ", match_ratio: " << it.get_percent() << "%, match_no: " << *it << ", doc_id: " << doc_id << ", doc content: [" << doc.get_data() << "]\n" << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	std::cout << "hello xapian" << std::endl;


	return 0;


  • 任何文件或者数据都需要体检构建索引进入xapian的本地存储系统
  • 构建索引可以利用文章标题或者文章内容的分词列表,默认识别空格分隔的字符串,英文天然支持,中文需要提前用其他的代码预先做分词再传入
  • 为了便于跟数据库结合使用,可以在构建索引阶段给文本关联一个属性值,方便检索完的结果可以利用属性值取实际的业务数据库中精准获取完整的数据
  • 检索的结果中可能存在部分结果没有属性值,所以建议检索完后再做过滤


--- save_data
--- search_data1
query is: Query((search OR engine))
19 results found
matches 1-10
rank: 1, weight: 0.354232, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 4, doc_id: , doc content: [What is the search engine?
Maybe you should ask baidu or google.
But I want to develop my own app.
Then you may need the xapian source code.]

rank: 2, weight: 0.354232, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 6, doc_id: , doc content: [What is the search engine?
Maybe you should ask baidu or google.
But I want to develop my own app.
Then you may need the xapian source code.]

rank: 3, weight: 0.354232, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 8, doc_id: , doc content: [What is the search engine?
Maybe you should ask baidu or google.
But I want to develop my own app.
Then you may need the xapian source code.]

rank: 4, weight: 0.354232, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 10, doc_id: doc1, doc content: [What is the search engine?
Maybe you should ask baidu or google.
But I want to develop my own app.
Then you may need the xapian source code.]

rank: 5, weight: 0.354232, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 12, doc_id: doc1, doc content: [What is the search engine?
Maybe you should ask baidu or google.
But I want to develop my own app.
Then you may need the xapian source code.]

rank: 6, weight: 0.354232, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 14, doc_id: doc1, doc content: [What is the search engine?
Maybe you should ask baidu or google.
But I want to develop my own app.
Then you may need the xapian source code.]

rank: 7, weight: 0.354232, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 16, doc_id: doc1, doc content: [What is the search engine?
Maybe you should ask baidu or google.
But I want to develop my own app.
Then you may need the xapian source code.]

rank: 8, weight: 0.354232, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 18, doc_id: doc1, doc content: [What is the search engine?
Maybe you should ask baidu or google.
But I want to develop my own app.
Then you may need the xapian source code.]

rank: 9, weight: 0.209633, match_ratio: 59%, match_no: 1, doc_id: , doc content: [What is the search engine?
Maybe you should ask baidu or google.
But I want to develop my own app.
Then you may need the xapian source code.]

rank: 10, weight: 0.209633, match_ratio: 59%, match_no: 2, doc_id: , doc content: [What is the search engine?
Maybe you should ask baidu or google.
But I want to develop my own app.
Then you may need the xapian source code.]

--- search_data2
query is: Query((search AND platform))
8 results found
matches 1-8
rank: 1, weight: 0.605063, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 5, doc_id: , doc content: [Every one know search is use full
It can be done just by a PC or phone.
Platform is very important]

rank: 2, weight: 0.605063, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 7, doc_id: , doc content: [Every one know search is use full
It can be done just by a PC or phone.
Platform is very important]

rank: 3, weight: 0.605063, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 9, doc_id: , doc content: [Every one know search is use full
It can be done just by a PC or phone.
Platform is very important]

rank: 4, weight: 0.605063, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 11, doc_id: doc2, doc content: [Every one know search is use full
It can be done just by a PC or phone.
Platform is very important]

rank: 5, weight: 0.605063, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 13, doc_id: doc2, doc content: [Every one know search is use full
It can be done just by a PC or phone.
Platform is very important]

rank: 6, weight: 0.605063, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 15, doc_id: doc2, doc content: [Every one know search is use full
It can be done just by a PC or phone.
Platform is very important]

rank: 7, weight: 0.605063, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 17, doc_id: doc2, doc content: [Every one know search is use full
It can be done just by a PC or phone.
Platform is very important]

rank: 8, weight: 0.605063, match_ratio: 100%, match_no: 19, doc_id: doc2, doc content: [Every one know search is use full
It can be done just by a PC or phone.
Platform is very important]




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